Our fearless leader, Sparticus (I kid you, Lee) and his faithful flock gather for a little feast to start the launch party.
The place was packed with friends and fellow writers and film type people.
First up is Robert Ward.

Next Jeff Weber...

Jerry Stahl (author of PERMANENT MIDNIGHT and I, FATTY) is on the left and Michael Connelly (author of, hell you should know this).....

Film guy John Vogel.... John was asked to film the event and I for one would be interested in seeing how our Sparticus fairs on film......

While Lee was standing next to the dandy shot master we were discussing that after a few rounds here the probability of selling multiple copies of said book increase geometrically with each shot. This device was well stocked with Jack, Stoly, Cuervo, Jim Beam and few others and delivers 1.5 shot measure of your favorite beverage. No, Lee wasn't doing shots, at least right then.

Well the time had finally come for Lee to read a portion of his book to the crowd. Instead he told them you all know how to read so I'm not gonna read tonight. The picture would lead you to believe that he was trying to auction off the Guiness in his hand.

Well, at last we finally get down to the signing. Here Lee takes on a serious tone and signs all books for his friends. I did show up with the ARC and once again I was taken to task for reading it after being told to wait. Hell, Lee, I liked the improvements in the final version. OK????

All joking aside, Lee was a gracious and marvelous host. This was by far the best launch I have ever been to. If you haven't already go out and get a copy of this book.