The Return of John March
One of the reasons why I love my vacations is that I get to catch up on my reading and I get to go to midday book signings in the middle of an otherwise work week.On Tuesday I was fortunate enough to catch up with Shamus Award (Best First Novel) winner Peter Spiegelman of BLACK MAPS fame. Peter was out promoting the new John March novel DEATH'S LITTLE HELPERS.
Peter recognized me immediately, even though we have never met, and said "Ken (Bruen) has told me all about you." Of which I replied, I better sit in front then, before I get in any trouble."
Publishers Weekly gave DEATH'S LITTLE HELPERS a starred review and it is quite a great read. Its nice to read PI novels where the main character rather use his brain and resort to using muscle only when needed.
Once again, here is Peter signing at Mysteries To Die For.
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