Thursday, November 10, 2005

NaNoWriMo Update #2

Blogging from our nation's capital - Washington, DC.

Waiting for David Montgomery to call and see if we can meet for some drinks.

Well, I got throught he first road block by taking the advice of Pearce Hansen, who told me to move on to other areas of the novel and come back to where I stopped. So, now I'm burning up the keyboard. I was delayed leaving LA on last night and I managed to get 5,000+ more written. When I arrived in DC, I was still on LA time and I stayed up to 2 AM and pushed out another 1,000. I may not be Jim Winter, but damn this stuff is now flowing out of me.

So this puts me around 22,000+ words at this point. Yipee.

I fly back to LA tomorrow and I'm hoping for some more inspiration. Like Jim, I know if I stick wit this project there is going to be massive editting and such.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

NaNoWriMo Update


Lifting my head up from the ole keyboard to check in.

I ran into a road block at the 7,000+ word line. I'm stuck. So, what is a novice writer guy like me to do? I'm typing my way through. I figure after having been in enough conversations about rewrites, etc, I can throw this whole next section away and hope I refind the path of this experiment. I hope to be close to 8,500 words by the time I lay me head on the pillow at 11:59 PM.

Clearing out the archieves...

Check back later today, when I take a break to chat it up with the keeper of the Brain Hotel, Duane "leBlanc" on Mr. G's Chat. After the chat, if my brain is still intact, I will update all the recent (month old) signings to the blog.

Next week I'm off to Washington DC a hope to have a beer with David Montgomery and pick up an award for my school. See ya soon.

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