Oh, You thought I was gone.....
Well, I'm actually live and well. The last six weeks have been a blur.
Over the summer I was reassigned to a new school and have spent the last 8 weeks preparing for the opening of school and dealing with the day to day business of new students, staff and parents. This has meant 16 hour days and having to work weekends to make it as perfect as can be.
However, I have been to a number of signings and events. Its just that I haven't had the energy to post about them with the school being on my mind.
So, what have I attended....
Randy Hicks
Gregg Hurwitz launch party
and last night Lee Goldberg and Zoe Sharp.
I will put up pictures and some treats (how about a contest for the new Pam Anderson book?)over the next few days.
What's Next?
Saturday - Kruger/Hellman/Brookins trio from the midwest. If you haven't read any of these guys, you are missing a real treat.
Saturday, September 24 - Santa Barbara Book Festival.
Saturday, October 1 - Theresa Schwegel - Officer Down is an excellent debut! (I understand there was a buzz at B-Con about this book.)
That's all for now. Remember, do your homework. I will be checking up on you.