RED JUNGLE - The Tour Part 1
Hi All,
This just in from Kent Harrington, who was on tour in Arizona for his new book RED JUNGLE.
Dear Readers,
It seems fitting that I discovered a truth about New York in the middle of the desert in Tucson Arizona. New York publishing is running scared-- like Jackrabbits on a dirt road. As a result they make big mistakes as they run for cover. They seem to have made a big one in regards to RED JUNGLE. How do I know that you ask. OK, I'll tell you.
It all started when New York editors, important ones, said that the reason they couldn't publish my novel RED JUNGLE was that "No one cares about Guatemala". Well this is what I found out in the desert on my low-budget book book tour. People are indeed very interested in Guatemala. So much so, in fact, that they came out to a bookstore on a Saturday to see what RED JUNGLE was all about just because they had an interest in Central America, Mayan history etc. etc. And these were people that had never heard of yours truly. So, there you have it. Red Jungle is attracting readers who are curious about the world we share. Hey, no kidding! So this begs the question: if RED JUNGLE turns out to do well in part because of it's setting, does that mean that New York is incapable of judging what is commercial these days. And if they are, is that why book reading is in this counrty is going down hill faster than a rabbit on rollerskates? You tell me kids.
In the meantime, RED JUNGLE is going to get in the hands of readers who love our world and want to know all they can about it. Including something about, yes, Guatemala. So spread the word, because, as we know so well as readers, the word is powerful.
Kent will be in Los Angeles area this weekend. I will have photos on Saturaday.
UPDATE from Kent:
I just heard from Dennis (McMillan) that we're (RED JUNGLE) getting a starred review in Booklist WITH a photo of the cover. The review was done by the editor himself. And, I guess, it's a kick-ass review.