Wednesday, September 08, 2004

This Saturday Only!

Well mystery fans, the day is approaching quickly and all I can say is that I'm pretty darn excited. The Mystery Bookstore is hosting Gary Phillip.

According to the website:

Celebrate the return of L.A. private investigator Ivan Monk (about as far from the TV detective “Monk” as you can get) with food, drink and music from the author and his friends. Books will be signed by everyone who worked on this edition and the CD – Phillips himself, publisher Dennis McMillan, author Robert Ward and Michael Kellner. The Monkology Band includes some combination of this group, plus Jeff Weber. We will be the only bookstore to host this unique and entertaining group at a signing.

This collection of 13 Monk stories includes an original novella, “The King Alfred Plan,” written exclusively for this collection. Publisher Dennis McMillan says, “In these stories you'll encounter starry-eyed sinners, street corner revolutionaries, Hollywood anglers, over-heated politicians, right wing a**holes, a ghost or two, cavorting cops, architects with issues, flying saucers, and a little old lady with a pop gun, all out to make their mark in the city of dreams and despair.” We apologize for the language, but if that offends you, you are not the target audience for this book.

Monday, September 06, 2004

John Shannon - a New Jack Liffey Book (#8)

It is always good to hear that Jack Liffey is alive and well and here is book #8 to prove it.

In his September newsletter, John Shannon

lets us know the following:

CARROLL & GRAF RENEWS for Liffey No. 8: Dangerous Games

It's been a while, so I thought I'd catch you all up. C&G has renewed my options for one more Jack Liffey, and then a stand-alone novel. So look for the next Liffey in the spring of 2005--Dangerous Games. And hopefully a paperback edition of the earlier books (fingers crossed.)

Teaser: Jack is just settling down in East L.A. with his new girlfriend, Gloria Martinez, a police sergeant of Paiute-Latino heritage, when Maeve is badly shot in a drive-by. For the rest of the book Maeve struggles gamely with the slow recovery from her wounds.

Gloria soon talks Jack into looking into the disappearance of her niece from a tiny reservation in the Owens Valley. At the reservation, they learn that Luisa Wilson, a headstrong Paiute girl has been molested by an uncle and has left town, threatening to make her living in the porn industry in L.A., following in the footsteps of a famous Native American blue actress named Little Deer.

The rest of the book deals with the wide-eyed diary entries by the girl, the return of the Jamaican Trevor "Terror" Pennycooke, and "Dangerous Games"-- a couple of film students making a fortune marketing videos of the homeless and the desperate engaged in wildly dangerous stunts--a la Jackass or Bumfight. It all comes together in the Malibu Hills, in a vast firestorm sweeping Jack and everyone else ahead of it down the Malibu hills toward the ocean.

Hurwitz says get with THE PROGRAM

Thiller writer and friend Gregg Hurwitz is now out with second serial novel call The Program. The Program is a story about a girl who is taken into a mind altering cult and her parents want her out. Gregg did some interesting research on cults in order to write this book, and in short, you will not be able to set this book down.

Here are some pics of Gregg signing at Mysteries To Die For last Saturday.

Kent Harrington Update #1

This news just in and boy are we happy. Kent Harrington's masterpiece Red Jungle will be published by Dennis McMillan this fall. It is anticipated that the limited first run will sell out immediately so run, don't walk and drop a note to Dennis that you would like to reserve a copy NOW.

If you want to read the first chapter of Red Jungle, it is here!

I will keep you updated with news on this project as it occurs.

Labor Day and the TBR

Well as you can imagine, the end of summer is here. The wife has given the orders to clean up the books and I thought maybe I would share what my TBR piles (bookshelves) and such look like.

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