Monday, July 11, 2005

Who Just Tapped Me on My Back ?

Gerald So has called me out of lurkdom with this Meme. Now really, I try to stay away from such gibberish, but how could I refuse?

So here is the brief history from Gerald:
Recently, Scott McLemee who writes the Intellectual Affairs column for Inside Higher Ed started a blog meme and tagged myself among others to continue it. In turn, we have been asked to tag others.

So with out further mistyping.....
(1) Imagine it's 2015. You are visiting the library at a major research university. You go over to a computer terminal (or whatever it is they use in 2015) that gives you immediate access to any book or journal article on any topic you want. What do you look up? In other words, what do you hope somebody will have written in the meantime?

I would have to look up how many future Ph.D. students have read my disseration. I would then look up who or what has been written about Paul Guyot, Ray Banks, Jim Winter, Dave White, Duane, Al Guthrie, Kent Harrington, Charlie Stella, Terrill Lankford and the Goldberg bros (Lee and Tod).

(2) What is the strangest thing you've ever heard or seen at a conference? No names, please. Refer to Professor X or Ms. Y if you must. Double credit if you were directly affected. Triple if you then said or did something equally weird.
Never been, but looking forward to the after party stuff. I hear that Tecate and Video Golf are pretty interesting.

(3) Name a writer, scholar, or otherwise worthy person you admire so much that meeting him or her would probably reduce you to awestruck silence.
This has happened. Twenty years ago, I met Francis HC Crick (Nobel for DNA). I couldn't speak. The following year, I was working on a National Science Foundation project that he was chairing. Today, I would have to say Sarah Weinman, Donna Moore and Jennifer Jordan!

(4) What are two or three blogs or other Web sites you often read that don't seem to be on many people's radar? Answer Girl, Charlie Stella, and James Lincoln Warren

Oh, and I tag and Al Guthrie, Kent Harrington, Charlie Stella and Terrill Lankford to go next.


Blogger Dave White said...

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10:05 AM  
Blogger Dave White said...

Hmm, it appears my whining has brought about a victory.

Let's face it Aldo, if you look me up in ten years you'll read about some guy who wrote some story about 9/11 and disappeared from the face of the earth.

2:09 PM  
Blogger Ellen Clair Lamb said...

Thanks for the props, Aldo! Are you going to Bouchercon?

5:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, when does the lurkdom end?

5:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aldo, I don't really have a venue for this, so i'll just respond here. (Sorry for taking so long.)

(1) Imagine it's 2015. You are visiting the library at a major research university. You go over to a computer terminal (or whatever it is they use in 2015) that gives you immediate access to any book or journal article on any topic you want. What do you look up? In other words, what do you hope somebody will have written in the meantime?

The explanation of what a "Meme" is. You lost me at "Who."

I would also like to read the articicle about the fantastic ray that my sons invented in 2006 that gave eternal life to our friends and loved ones.

And vaporized our enemies.

(2) What is the strangest thing you've ever heard or seen at a conference? No names, please. Refer to Professor X or Ms. Y if you must. Double credit if you were directly affected. Triple if you then said or did something equally weird.

I'll go for the triple. I've only attended one conference (officially). It was Left Coast Crime in San Diego about eight years ago. I was on a panel about writing erotic books, due to the quasi-pornographic nature of my book, SHOOTERS. A very successful lady writer (who was also openly lesbian) was sitting next to me on the panel. Someone had provided a box of white chocolates for the table. During one of the lulls in the conversation said lady writer decided to fellate one of the white chocolates. We were all shocked and amused. And she did a VERY professional job of it. The crowd roared with laughter. Then she popped the chocolate - or what was left of it - into MY mouth. I was startled, but had no choice but to eat it.

I didn't even think she LIKED guys.

(3) Name a writer, scholar, or otherwise worthy person you admire so much that meeting him or her would probably reduce you to awestruck silence.

Bob Dylan.

I was actually in the same room with Warren Zevon about ten months before he died, but could not muster up the courage to talk to him. (He was also constantly surrounded by others.) What was I going to say? "Love your stuff, man"? (I regret it now, of course.) Not too many people intimidate me, but I would feel like an idiot trying to talk to Dylan or Zevon. I am in awe of their words and music. And if I had to speak to them, I'm sure I'd act the fool.

(4) What are two or three blogs or other Web sites you often read that don't seem to be on many people's radar?

Mystery Dawg, Mystery Dawg, Mystery Dawg...

Oh, and Lee Goldberg runs a nice, quiet little blog that no one ever visits and where nothing unusual ever happens...


3:47 PM  

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